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Update Session Status



The /session/{sessionId} (PATCH) endpoint is designed to provide administrative control over the individual sessions of a Typebot conversational bot. This endpoint is particularly useful for managing real-time interactions, allowing you to pause, resume, or end a bot session during a conversation.


Path Parameters

    sessionId stringrequired

    Session ID

    instanceId stringrequired

    ID of the instance.



Endpoint Features

  1. Update Session Status: Allows you to modify the current state of a specific conversation session, identified by sessionId.

  2. Available Actions:

  • Pause Session: Temporarily pauses the session, allowing it to be resumed later without losing context.
  • Resume Session: Resumes a session that was previously paused, continuing the conversation from the point where it was interrupted.
  • End Session: Ends the session definitively. This action is useful for ending conversations that are no longer necessary or that have reached their objective.
    action Actionrequired

    Possible values: [open, close, pause, resume]


Success - status: 200

    sessionId stringrequired
    keyRemoteJid stringrequired
    status stringrequired
    typebotIntegrationId stringrequired