Group Controller
The group controller is a core part of an API that handles group-related interactions in WhatsApp. It offers a series of endpoints that allow you to create, retrieve, update and manage group information.
📄️ Creating WhatsApp Groups
This route enables the creation of new groups on WhatsApp, where members can come together to exchange messages and share information. When creating a group, it's necessary to provide a mandatory subject for identification, as well as the option to add an optional description that provides more context about the group's purpose.
📄️ Search Group Information
Search Group Information
📄️ Updating Group Information
This endpoint allows the updating of information for a specified WhatsApp group. The update can include changes to the group's profile picture URL, subject, and description. The update object is required, and additional attributes such as pictureUrl, subject, and description are optional.
📄️ Update Group Profile Picture
This endpoint allows admins of a specific WhatsApp group to update the group's profile picture. The new profile image is sent as part of the request in a supported image file format. The group_id parameter identifies the group whose profile picture will be updated.
📄️ Retrieve All Members from All Groups
This endpoint allows you to retrieve the list of all participants of all WhatsApp groups. It returns a complete list of all participants present in all groups.
📄️ Retrieve Group Members
This endpoint allows you to retrieve the list of participants of a specific WhatsApp group. The group_id parameter is used to identify the group for which you want to get the list of participants.
📄️ Change Group Chat Settings
This endpoint allows you to change chat settings for a specific WhatsApp group. Settings can control who can comment and who can edit group data.
📄️ Update group member
The route is designed to allow modification of members of a specific group associated with a business in the CodeChat API. This route provides a flexible way to manage a group's members, allowing members to be added, removed, promoted, and demoted as needed.
📄️ Create Group Invitation
Create Group Invitation
📄️ Revoke Group Invitation
Revoke Group Invitation
📄️ Group information by invitation
This endpoint allows you to retrieve recorded information from a WhatsApp group via a shared invitation. The invitation is used to identify the group you want information about.
📄️ Accept Group Invitation
Accept Group Invitation
📄️ Leave Group
Leave Group