Media Controller
Manage operations related to the processing, preparation and delivery of media, including images, videos, audios and other types of multimedia content. It offers a centralized interface to handle media handling efficiently and neatly.
📄️ Prepare Media for Retrieval
This route is specialized for preparing media for GET requests, allowing asynchronous processing of large media files. This feature is especially useful when dealing with bulky media, such as high-resolution images or long videos, where downloading and decoding can take considerable time.
📄️ Retrieve All Media By Type
Fetches all media of a specified type associated with a particular instance.
📄️ Fetch Media File
Retrieves the binary file of a previously prepared media. Supports multiple formats such as images, videos, audios, etc.
📄️ Directly Download
Retrieves the binary file of a previously prepared media. Supports multiple formats such as images, videos, audios, etc.
📄️ Delete Specified Media
Deletes the specified media file associated with a given instance. Ensure that the media has been prepared before deletion.